Good morning church,
I am here to testify to the Goodness of God in my life and family.
First, I want to thank God for how he has sustained me and my family throughout this year. He has been our sustainer and has made provisions for every need.
In February this year, I did a urine pregnancy test in my bathroom and it was positive. I told no one except my husband about it. That very night, I had a dream where I saw two old women who told me the exact age of my pregnancy. It was too accurate and they started laughing and I was wondering how they got such information after which I woke up. I told my husband about it and we prayed about it. I had no complications during the pregnancy but it was tough, the morning sickness and symptoms which lasted the entire pregnancy as compared to previous pregnancies.
At 33 weeks, I went into labour, and I was in labour for four days. I was a little worried because my previous labour was usually a few hours. In the course of the four days, I had membrane sweep 7 times and was induced a few times, yet, I was not progressing in labour. On the night of the third day, the Word of the Lord finally came through my husband and he told me The Lord said the siege is broken and that we should go and bring our joy home.
On the fourth day, I was still 6cm dilated but as God would have it, a few minutes after that I put to bed a bouncing baby girl to the glory of God.
Her cord was short and was tight round her neck, she had the mark on her neck and not only that, she had two true knots on her umbilical cord -which is a very rare thing to see. The implication of a true knot is that it can cut off oxygen, nutrients and blood from the fetus in the womb which could lead to death or stillbirth. Our God is awesome. She did not have one true knot but two true knots less than 5cm apart. Research shows such a condition is very rare and almost impossible and chances of survival are slim.
I want to thank God that despite that, he came through for us. Our baby is alive and thriving well. Nothing Missing! Nothing broken!
Glory to Jesus!