Household of David Academy

Our Mission

As a church, our vision is to raise a people after God’s heart in every nation of the earth by bringing them into an experience of God’s unconditional love that transforms them into men and women who are passionate about influencing their world through the Kingdom.

The Household of David Academy is how we equip men and women for Kingdom impact.

Formerly referred to as The School of Ministry (TSOM), HOD Academy seeks to ensure that the saints of God’s church are constantly being trained in God’s word at all levels of life and service, producing believers who are rooted and grounded in the truth of Scripture, full of the Holy Spirit, being well instructed in the things of Christ; competent and skilful enough to represent and lead kingdom initiatives within and without the church setting, and take the Gospel to the uttermost part of the earth. 

What We Do

We strive to achieve our mission through various training initiatives such as the New Believers’ Class, Membership Class (for the teenagers & adults), Maturity Class (for intending workers), Baptismal Class, Bible Study Class as well as the Leadership Class. This is to ensure that men are properly instructed in righteousness such that they are equipped to live in conformity to God’s will and demonstrate Christlikeness in practical living

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