Welcome to the Debra's Court

About Us

Debra’s court is an army of women both single and married in the household of David. The vision started in 2012 by instruction from God to the set woman of the house – Pastor Abigail Osunmakinde.


To raise women after God’s heart in every nation if the earth.

 And This We Do By:

Raising women of influence like Deborah in the bible and empowering them to discover and reach their potentials. Judges 4, 2Tim 3:17b
Raising watchmen who are passionate about prayer. Isaiah 62: 6-7
To build a family of sisters who are naked but not ashamed. James 5:16b
In fulfilling the mission we encourage, support, empower women to make a difference in their homes, marriages and lives.

Our Programs

Debra's Court
  • Debra’s Court Prays which holds every first Friday of the month.
  • I-Grab which holds twice a year.
  • Debra’s Court Walks.
  • Debra’s Court Mother’s Day Celebration.

Community in Pictures