Praise the Lord church,
By the time this testimony is being read another one will be on the queue because I am writing this ahead of what he has done and waiting patiently for the manifestation.
I was an example of someone who went from grace to grass—everything about me nosedived except my spiritual life. Though things declined, I never gave up. I kept believing my God will restore me. It was so bad I begged those I have helped before for one thing or the other.
I asked God to please make my restoration easy and not difficult for me; that if He wants me to revive my company, He should help me with strategic connections and support to lift me, and if He wants me to go back into being employed, them my take home should not be less than 7 digits per month with benefits.
Brethren, behold our God did it for me! Not only 7 digits every month, but also with benefits and ease! To crown it all, He has lifted me and my company also is fully operational with staff and projects at hand.
I am not only royally employed but am also an employer. Help me Praise the Lord, it can only be God.