

Good Morning Church,

Our God is an awesome God. We joined HOD right after Covid restrictions were lifted and as at when we joined, our finances were a mess. My wife and I were trusting God for a turnaround. Along the line we got a word to move out of the house we were staying at the moment and things were very tight then.

Testimony 1:

When our rent was due in July 2022, we didn’t have the means to move but we kept on praying and keying to every declaration from the altar. At the end of July, God raised a helper who got us an apartment in an estate,  paid the rent in full and told us to pay back when convenient. 

Testimony 2:

We moved out of our former apartment in the first week of August, that was during the August fast. We joined and that was the first time we were able to give our partnership seed. At the end of August, I got an appraisal bonus for the first time in my years of service of an amount that shocked me. After that, I got a promotion with a very significant increase in salary. This can only be God.

Testimony 3:

When the Higher ground conference was fast approaching we sowed a seed towards the conference and keyed into all the prayers and declarations. The day the conference ended, we got a text message for debt cancellation of the remaining balance of the rent that was paid for us.

Testimony 4:

Effective 1st October, 2022, I got a 25% increment on my salary – the second increment in a space of 2 months. Everytime favour was decreed, we key into it by faith and here we are to say thank you Father because this can only be God. Help me shout a thunderous Hallelujah church.

Brother I. B.