Good morning Church,
I don’t know how to title this testimony but here is what God did. I’m a student but since year 1, I’ve always had a stagnant result like 2.9. It will never exceed even when I think that I gave my best in a particular exam. Somehow I always end up at that same point.
I’m in my finals and I have two semesters to go, and I told God that, it’s not too late to amend this for me – at least, I should get a reasonable result if a distinction is out of reach.
So, One Sunday , MY WORD CAME. My friend and I couldn’t come to church that Sunday and we decided to join online . I decided to listen attentively and that day, Pastor Sola said “this student, the result you’re seeing is not yours”. To me, this stagnant result I was seeing is not mine and I shouted a loud amen in my room and I felt a sensation all over me.
Fast forward to my exams. I felt it was different though I didn’t study in an extraordinary way that I would have thought would have given me the good grades.
Brethren, I now have a desired result and I know “better is the end of a thing than the beginning there of”
And I pray that God will perfect it well for me this final semester.
I give God the glory!