Glory to God in the highest!!
My office was to pay our overtime wages for December in the first week of January but somehow, they delayed and we couldn’t understand why. In that first week of January, my content lead in China messaged me that she was nominating me for staff of the year in Africa. I appreciated her and moved on. I didn’t take it seriously because in the past two years, staff in Ghana, Kenya and some of the French speaking countries where my company has branches have been winning it. I didn’t even know if any prize was attached.
I had hoped that the December overtime will come before Mercy Conference 2023 started as I was down on cash and my employers were going on break in celebration of their new year in China from the 19th to 28th of January and so even if they resumed on the 30th of January, salary would come from Feb 3rd because it take days to document, approve and process currency-wise and all that.
Alas, I was coming for the night vigils we were having and by Tuesday January 31st, I woke up to a ridiculous alert on my phone, indicating my salary had been paid. It was a miracle for me but what struck me most was the amount. I earn in 6 figures but the alert I saw was in 7 figures (millions). I had to clean my eyes to be sure and I saw the caption that it was from my office. I immediately went to my payment portal and saw it was the right figure because I thought it was an error. I got an addition that was 3 times my monthly salary.
I kept wondering what the money was for till I was told that I won staff of the year. It was so shocking to me because I am the first Nigerian to win the award in 4 years. I am so overjoyed. It is doing me like a dream, yet it is so real. Thank you Jesus.