

I want to thank God for the Household of David and how God has used this church to bless my life. I joined HOD in 2021 before I left for my masters degree. I kept on streaming HOD services on Sunday and I can say that the word in this church has transformed my life. So, I first want to thank God for the word in HOD.

Secondly, I want to thank God for His favour and mercy upon me throughout my journey so far in the UK. It has been God. After completing my masters degree, I had been believing God for a job and when pastor Sola came to the UK for mercy encounters and he asked if I was working, I just excitedly told him that I didn’t have a job yet but I know that with the word I heard during the program on the “Blessings in a foreign land”, God has done it.

I kept believing and had an incredible peace about my job situation and just kept saying to myself that God will blow my mind. Pastor Sola announced that a special broadcast for mercy moments would be held on May 1st and we should all try to watch it live and not speak to anyone before streaming.

 It was as if that broadcast was meant for me as Pastor Sola spoke about the favour and mercy of God. And that it is not our intellect, hard work, or sword that will save us but God’s favour. I prayed with all my heart that morning and I kept playing this broadcast every morning in May to keep confessing the word. 

Brethren, the first testimony came. I received a job offer without doing an interview! Someone had simply recommended me and said I should expect a contract in my email from the organisation. I started the new job almost immediately, but also got invitations to progress at another interview that was more in line with my career path. Pastor Joshua had preached a message about God putting positive thoughts of you in the mind of people for the first time during the mid week service and I prayed this prayer so much and kept praying it all through the rounds of interview together with the mercy moment broadcast of May 1. 

Brethren, I received a job offer for the other job! This job was a better pay, in line with my career path, and was above my experience level as I was transitioning careers. I got the job to manage projects for the EMEA team! God literally blew my mind. All the rejections I got earlier were for entry level roles as I thought that was the best I could get with my experience level. But God granted me favour!!! 

My dilemma is now having to choose which job I wanted. Isn’t God good?! What a good dilemma to have. I have come to give God all the praise because he really showed up for me and favoured me.