

Good morning, Church 

I am sharing this testimony with joy in my heart.

I have been having challenges with my health for months now.

I was diagnosed with acute Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones). The pain at night was severe. Some nights, I couldn’t sleep, and all I do is pray. No convenient position nor oral drugs (pain reliever) was working to reduce the pain. This was my prayer point for Mercy Encounters’ April edition. 

Although the pain still persisted, I kept praising and thanking God that He has healed me.

The words: “Thy word is life and medication to my soul” kept coming to my mouth. I kept confessing the words and after a while, I noticed the pain disappeared. After tribe meeting,  I was led to go repeat the investigation again and to my greatest surprise, the kidney stones were not found. I told the scientist to check again and he said, “Madam, there is no kidney stone” 

Thank you, Jesus!!!!!

Sister M

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