

Praise The Lord church!

We have returned with singing and rejoicing to say THANK YOU JESUS! ALL PRAISES TO
HIM for He hath made everything beautiful for us in His time. It all began immediately after we
got married, my wife's monthly cycle ceased for a couple of months. At first, we thought it was
due to stress as she was overworked with lectures since she was running a program in the
University. But its reoccurrence became alarming, so we visited the Hospital and saw specialist
to no avail – in fact, it now ceased for almost a year.

We decided and went for IVF session which failed. So after 2 years of Medical treatments we
were considering another IVF session with a foreign specialist, but, it was at that point we were
Led to sow the IVF treatment money to God and watch him do wonders. We met with pastor
Sola and he prayed and instructed us to celebrate that the baby is here and that we can keep
the seed for God has answered and seen our heart. Shortly after that, God instructed Pastor
Sola to hold a meeting – Mercy Intervention – where all waiting and trusting God for children are
to come.

We came and more prayers were released by all the pastors. Weeks after, Pastor Abby called
for prayers in her Office for women waiting from God's Treasures and we came. It was an
awesome time of prayers and prophecy after which, we told God that we and our family want to
become testimony of all the prayers and that we have the AMEN (answers) to all the prayers.

Beloved people of God, our God does wonders without number. Exactly one year later, the
baby arrived as spoken by the Man of God. We are Here to Say Thank you Jesus for confirming
the words of his servant.


From Mr & Mrs C.M

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