

Good morning church.

My testimony is long overdue. I want to thank God for everything He has done for me and also thank Pastor Sola for obeying God.

Six months ago, I  began to notice a swelling on my right breast. It was small so I considered it insignificant. It began to increase in size so much that my husband forced me to go see a doctor.

The week of the July edition of Mercy Encounters, during the Wednesday service, as we were praying, the Holy Spirit told me not to go to the hospital the next day, which I already had an appointment for. He told me to go after Mercy Encounters. I told my friend and prayer partner, we both agreed and prayed about it.

I came for the July edition of Mercy Encounters expectant and excited.  Immediately Pastor Sola came up, he gave a word:

There’s a lady here with a lump on the breast, the Lord is healing you right now.

I couldn’t hold my tears because that word was specifically for me. I just kept thanking God for healing.

On Thursday, I went to the hospital and was told to go for a breast scan. The sonographer checked to see if he could find any lump but didn’t. He checked for five minutes and still didn’t find anything then he said “Madam, I can’t find anything. I’ve checked and checked and still can’t find anything. Are you sure there was something there”


I’ve come to return all the glory to God. Thank you Pastor Sola!

God is good and his mercy endures forever.

Sis R.

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