Bible References: James 5:8, Colossians 3:12, Ephesians 4:12, 2 Peter 3:9
In this present world of instant gratification and pressure for immediate results, coupled
with the quickness with which we discard relationships due to a lack of patience
(impatience), it has become increasingly neccessary to teach and practice patience.
Naturally speaking, patience is hard for us but by the help of the Holy Spirit, we receive
capacity (strength) to be patient. Isa.40:31 and if God is patient with us, we then must also
be patient to receive the promise of God and be patient with others so they can receive
the love of God through us.
What is Patience?
Patience in Gal.5:22 is from the greek compound word ‘Makrothumia’; ‘Makros (long)
and thumos (passion or temper). This literally means ‘long temper’ in the sense of the
ability to hold one’s temper for a long time. It is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay,
trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. This shows that as important as
waiting is, how one waits is more important. We have a choice as to how we wait – we
can choose to wait and be joyful or wait and grumbling, murmuring or complaining.
Simply put, patience is waiting with grace. (Think of Abraham , Joseph, Daniel and the Patient
Saviour Himself, JESUS CHRIST). We are patient through trying situations out of hope for
a coming deliverance; we are patient with a trying person out of compassion.
Nature of Patience
Patience is word-based. It is not just waiting for anything, anyhow, anytime but waiting
for something based on God’s word/promise. Rom.4:20-21, Heb.6:15.
Patience is a virtue that God instructs us to have. It is for our own good. Colossians
3:12, 2 Pet.1:6
Patience is love-driven. A critical component of our love walk with both God and man
is patience. 1 Cor. 13:4, James 5:8. If we say we love God, we would be patient for the
manifestation of God’s promises, including the return of His Christ. If we know that
Christ is coming again soon, then we would be patient with others too.
Patience is an exercise in self-control. Eph.4:2. It is putting away selfishness or selfcentredness.1 Tim.6:11. A person may have the ability to take revenge or cause trouble
but patience brings self-restraint and careful thinking.
Patience can be cultivated or grown. The key to growing in patience is studying and
meditating on the word of God, living the word daily and learning from other patient
people too. Hebrews 6:12.
Questions for discussion
Mention any bible character or story that reflects Patience to you. Explain why.
Using any of the scripture references listed, give a personal example/experience
of the benefits of patience? Pro.15:18, Ecc.7:8, Phil.4:6, Pro.14:29, Exo.14:14, 2
Chronicles 15:7, Heb.10:36, Psa.37:7.
Giving scriptural references, for how long should we be patient with people
including our loved ones? What should we do when anyone is intentionally or unintentionally trying to take advantage of the ‘Patience fruit’ in us? Matt.5:44-47
What attitude should we have while waiting? Lamentation 3:25-26, Rom.8:26,
James 1:2-4, Phil.1:6,Heb. 6:15 , Heb.9:25-26.
Patience comes from a position of power. Losing patience is a sign of weakness; it is a
sign that we are not allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us. James 1:4-8. Will you ask God
for strength and capacity for you to grow in patience?
Father, thank you for being a patient father with and to me. I am nothing without your
patience which is rooted in love. Lord, help me to model patience in my daily interactions,
with everyone I meet in Jesus name, Amen.
Memory Verse: Colossians 3:12
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”