Bible Study



Bible References: 1 Cor. 12: 4-7(NIV), Rom. 12:3-8, 1 Pet. 4:10, Eph. 4:4


God has called every believer to be a part of His kingdom and to manifest this here on
earth, until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God and His Christ
(Revelations 11:15). The influences and expressions with which we manifest His kingdom,
other than by the 9 gifts of the Spirit which we have been studying, are referred to as
“service gifts”. (1 Cor.12:4-7).

The service gifts can be described as supernaturally endowed enablement’s/equipping
by the Spirit of God to work in and advance the kingdom of God, in and outside of the
four walls of the church. God relies on us to advance His kingdom through our service
gifts in every sector of the society (Col. 3:23-24).

Beyond the fivefold ministry, every believer has the call of God on his life to serve (1
Cor.12:27) because God’s plan for the ministry is so broad that it requires the entire Body
of Christ to be involved, working together in every capacity to advance the agenda of the


Often times, we are quick to say ‘I don’t have any gift because I am not a Pastor, or any
of the fivefold ministries as listed in Eph 4:11; but that is not consistent with the scriptures.
In fact, part of spiritual maturity is knowing your gift and using it – whether it be one of
the ‘ministry gifts’ listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 or one of the ‘service gifts’ in Romans
12:3-8. This is not only for those in the offices of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor
or teacher. It is therefore important to note that:

  1. Every believer has a gift for which to express his/her unique and divine
    assignment. (1 Cor.7:17) and it is by the enablement of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Every believer is called to serve as the call to salvation includes your call to service
    (1 Peter 4:10, 2 Tim.1:10)
  3. Every service to God matters as there are no insignificant roles or ministries in the
    church (Rom.12:6)
  4. Every service gift must be expressed with love and in the fear of the Lord, for the
    advancement of the Kingdom whether in or outside the church.(1 Cor.13:1-
    Examples of service gifts:
    Elisha-helps ministry-2 Kings 3:11, Rom.12:7a; Dorcas -benevolence/giving -Rom.12:8b,
    Acts 9:36; Barnabas-encouragement/counsel-Rom.12:8a, Acts11:24; Aquila and Priscilla teaching/exhortation/ counselling -Rom.12:7b, Acts 18:24-26; Stephen –
    Leadership/organization/administration-Rom.12:8c, Acts 6:1-7; The Good Samaritan Mercy -Rom.12:8d, Luke 10:25-37


Are there other service gifts we have seen that can be found in the scriptures?

Can unbelievers demonstrate service gifts? If yes, what makes the expression of
service gifts in believers different? Acts 10:31-48, 1 Cor.12:7

Are service gifts only to be expressed in the church? 1 Peter 4:10, 2 Cor.2:14

• Lord, show me more about my gifts so that I can please you more in Jesus name.
• Father, help me to be bold to use my gifts to serve you faithfully and joyfully in all
I do, everywhere I go in Jesus name.

MEMORY VERSE: Colossians 3:23
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men

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