Bible Study

Goodness as an expression of fruit of the spirit.

Bible References: Gal 5:22-23, Rom 15:14, Titus 2:7-8


Goodness can be defined as the quality or state of being good; i.e. approved of, morally right,
righteous, or of a high standard. In Greek, the word goodness, “agathosune,” means “an
uprightness of heart and life.” This implies moral and spiritual excellence manifested in
consistent actions. It is an excellence of character.

As believers, God expects that His goodness that we have received will flow from our hearts to
others in our daily living to influence our world for Christ. Eph. 2:10, 1 Pet. 2:11-12


Nature of Goodness

It is an expression of the very nature of God our Father from our heart to others. Psalm 106:1,
1 John 4:17b. It is from inside out; for good works without good heart is hypocritical.

Matt.12:35, Luke 6:45. Christ has already perfected goodness in our hearts all we need to do
is live it out daily. Eph. 2:10. True goodness is an expression of Godliness-Matt 19:17.

Practice of Goodness

Obey God’s commandments. Psa.119:68

Share your faith in the goodness of God boldly with others. Psa.22:22

Do good every time and everywhere as led by God. Acts 10:38

Speak, do and maintain the truth. Rom 12:9-10, Titus 2:7-8

Differences between Goodness and Kindness

• Goodness is associated with honesty, integrity and uprightness (1 Cor.13:6) while
kindness is associated with generosity, gentleness and care. (1 Cor.13:4-5)
• The opposite of goodness is evil while the opposite of kindness is cruelty. Matt.7:11, Luke


A life filled with goodness is characterized by actions motivated by righteousness and a desire
to be a blessing to others. It is goodness from God in us to others for the glory of God. James
4:17, 1Thess 5:15. Goodness is not a quality we can manufacture on our own. That is why it is a
fruit of the Spirit. Being evil is the norm for man, only the Holy Spirit births goodness in us at
new birth and thank God we are born again. Rom. 7:18-19.


Having realized that goodness is our nature because we are God’s children, how do we
deal with bad thoughts and habits or ways of doing things, especially in our
interactions/relationships with people? 2 Tim 2:19-21

What should be our definition of ‘good’? Should it be based on the society, culture or
our experiences? Rom.12:1-2. Share any personal experience.

What does Matt.5:13-16 mean in relation to goodness?


Personalize the prayer in Hebrews 13:20-21
Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep,
through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make me perfect in every good work to do his will, working
in me that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever.

Memory Verse

Galatians 6:10
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of
the household of faith.

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