

In January 2022, my company had a reshuffle and I had to start reporting to another line manager who was difficult from day one. I tried every means to build a good rapport with her but instead of a positive outcome, she made work miserable for me. By November it became worse and she teamed up with my Country manager & HR to eject me from the organization. 

In December I was asked to resign and gave a one month notice. I trusted God to make a way for me because it was our year of fullness of joy and I asked my unit members and HOD to join me in prayers that God will give me a better job before the end of 2022. 

As God would do His miraculous work, I simply reached out to a friend if they had any openings and he asked me what my salary expectations were. He mentioned another organization to me that was recruiting. I applied and like a movie I started the interview process the next day and within 2 weeks I had done 5 interviews and came out as the best candidate for the job. 

People of God I didn’t just get a better job, first it was an international remote job, a bigger role as I’m covering the whole of Africa, Salary is in dollars (Approximately 3 times my previous salary), plus Education allowance and other sweet benefits. 

The God of the Household of David made a way for me.

Bro. C. A