

Typing this testimony is so surreal because I cannot believe that it is actually my turn to share. 

I would listen to people’s testimonies in church and tell myself that God is good but not just specifically towards me as regards my need for a job because of how long the challenge was. Prior to HGC 2021, I had prayed for a seed to give for the conference just as Pastor Sola had mentioned during the fast before the conference. The seed to give was ministered to me, and although it was half my current salary at that time, it was easy to release as I had just received my salary for the previous month. Brethren, I slept that night and woke up to a “termination of appointment” email with no cogent reason. I read it, dropped my phone and laughed hard. 

God provided for me for over a year without any sustainable source of income, He used my immediate family members, they kept sending me money monthly, the days I had nothing didn’t measure up to the days I had much. I applied for so many jobs but nothing came through,I mean nothing, it wasn’t an easy period and many times I cried to sleep but I would show up in church and for service in my unit.

I got a job offer in mid 2022 and it looked like the dream job. While doing my medicals, my job offer was placed on hold without any explanation. It was a rollercoaster of emotions for me and I would ask God if it pleased him to see me like this. What ensued after were silent responses to all the jobs I later applied for and this company never reached out again, either to give a reason for the hold or to even terminate the appointment.

I entered 2023 deciding to rest and no more bother about it. Even with the unemployment, God blessed me in January so much that I was able to give my token towards Mercy Conference. I was led to start a business in early 2023. I obeyed and God blessed me with the gift of men. 

A month after I started the business, I was referred by a former classmate currently outside the country for a job here in Lagos. I applied and an interview date was scheduled – this was the easiest interview ever experienced in my entire career. I was so relaxed and so was the interviewer who was the ED/CEO. He told me I was free to do other jobs outside the company, choose my work days & hours and also not be scared to ask for the salary that was my worth. In this same Lagos? l couldn’t believe it! I never had such an offer before; it felt like a lie and it took a while to adjust to the fact that the offer was real and I knew this could have only been God.

The Sunday after that, it was ministered in church that God had opened the two leaved gates, and the gates shall not be shut and that was indeed my experience that week as I received my offer letter with the pay, work hours and work days all chosen by me. I am working a few days a week and I am being paid a full month’s salary. This job also allows me time to serve God and run my business simultaneously – this was actually my prayer, a job that is peaceful, pays me well, gives me rest and allows me time to serve God.

Prayers answered only by the mercy of God. God is good, merciful and kind, I can testify now that even when it doesn’t seem like it, He is working and He always shows up in the nick of time.

I am grateful to God for this very house – Household of David. It is indeed a place to be and was my only conviction to continue to stay in Lagos throughout that very period when I was without any sustainable source of income.

Sis O.O