

Good day Church,

I want to bless God for His mercy and goodness in my life and in my Family.

I was trusting God for a new Job last year. Towards the end of the year, I attended several interviews, two of which I believed were done deals already as we had begun discussing salary terms. Weeks went by without any communication from any of the companies. Eventually, I decided to reach out to the HR department for one of them, only to be informed that they had put a hold on the recruitment process. I then began following up with the other company that had sent me a case study earlier which I had submitted, but each time I reached out, I received varying stories and excuses.

In January 2024, I decided to sow another seed towards the mercy seat. This time, I emptied all my accounts. At this point, all the money I had been saving since the beginning of 2023 was just paid to me, and I immediately transferred everything to the Church’s account. Despite having numerous financial obligations at that time, I quickly transferred all the money to the church account.

Testimony 1:

Two weeks later, someone unexpectedly called me and offered a sum of money, approximately 60% of the amount I had emptied from my account. What amazed me was that the person had borrowed the money just to be able to send it to me. What a mighty God we serve! One week later, another person sent me approximately 10% of the amount, followed by another 10% from someone else the same week. A week later, a friend also sent another 25%.

Testimony 2:

In February, one of the companies I had interviewed with earlier (the company where I did a case study) reached out again and initiated another interview process, progressing from virtual to physical interviews. Eventually, they sent me an offer letter, which initially stated a contract position. However, I wrote back to request a full-time employment status and also asked for some conditions in the offer to be changed, which they agreed to.The following week, I started my new job. It was only then that I realized the role had been created specifically for me.

All glory be to the name of the Lord, to whom alone deserves all the glory.

Brother P.S.O.

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