

Good morning church,

I want to thank God for His faithfulness. He came through for me and my wife in the time when we needed Him. I decided last year that I was going to get married to the love of my life. My wife to be, at the time, and I decided that our wedding was going to be our faith project. By our calculations, we would need to save for about 2 years to do the wedding we wanted. Neither of us had been saving for it prior, but we had 8 months to plan our wedding. We told ourselves that our faith through this process is going to be the foundation of our home.

We wrote our confession. We started confessing what we wanted. Four months to our wedding, my wife got a new job. The next month, I also got a new job. It was with an organisation I wanted to work with. A year ago, we made a 5-year plan for ourselves, and working with this organisation was in the plan.

During this period, It was the season of giving in church. We gave consistently for 2 months. Less than 2 months to our wedding, we started receiving favours. People rose up for us. We were able to do our wedding the way we wanted it and still have more than enough afterwards. By our strength we would need 2 years of savings, but we got all in less than 2 months.

Our wedding came with some troubles, but it ended in praise.

God honoured His words in our life and we want to give all the glory to Him


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