Good day Church,Recently, I was arrested by the Holy Spirit and He helped me to take my walk with GO...
Good morning Church,I work with the administrative department of a real estate firm. Initially, work...
Good morning ChurchEarly this year I got laid off work unjustly, and I went back to having no source...
Praise God!!!!During the second service on Sunday, Pastor Sola said there is someone with a growth o...
Good morning family,At the beginning of last year I applied for a promotion at my office but after m...
Good morning church! For some time, I’ve been having challenges securing deals at the final sta...
Good day Church, God is indeed, A Wonder.After having a miscarriage during our first pregnancy ...
Good Morning Church,I just want to thank God for all He has done for me and my family. During t...
Good Morning, church.On the evening of February 5th, the final day of Mercy Conference 2023, a relat...
Good morning Church,Although this testimony is long overdue,I will testify about it because it has b...